SJMSBL Field Care Requirements
Although we pay to rent the fields we play on - the school districts, schools, and coaches expect teams to groom and clean the sites as part of our use agreement.
Obtaining fields to play on is never easy - we need to protect our field use rights by making sure each site we play on is in better condition when we leave than when we arrived.
BOTH teams must participate in the field grooming and site cleaning following EVERY game:
Visiting Team | Home Team |
BASES Remove bases and put in proper storage area. Put plugs (if available) in base receptacle holes. |
PITCHER'S MOUND AND BULLPENS Fill all holes, tamp the dirt, rake the entire mound area. If water is available, slightly wet holes first. |
DRAG INFIELD (if drag is available) Drag entire infield. If the drag is not available - rake all base areas. Slightly wet area first, if possible. |
HOME PLATE Fill all holes, tamp the dirt, rake the entire home plate area. Slightly wet holes before filling in. |
TARPS If tarps were on field before first game of the day - place tarps back on all covered areas. |
BASELINES Rake the dirt on both lines from bases to home plate in one direction down the line, NOT side to side. Keep dirt in paths. |
WATER (if hose is available) Infield area. |
WATER (if hose is available) Mound, Plate Area, and Baselines. |
Both Teams | |
HOSES Drain all water from hoses, roll hoses up, store in proper area (hang on hooks in dugout). |
DUGOUT Pick up all trash, plastic bottles, cups, tape, papers, etc. Sweep them out and put swept items in the trash can. |
TRASH CANS (Dugout and Bleacher cans) Pick up all trash in dugouts AND spectator areas and put into trash cans or trash bags (we must provide). |
LOCK EVERYTHING! DUGOUTS, GATES, BINS, SHEDS Make sure dugouts, equipment bins, and field gates are locked when leaving. |